Slider Pics for Holy Angels Memorial Park

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Weekly Best Picture of Holy Angels Memorial Park, August 30, 2014

Blooming Plants at Garden Estate

Our Agent Linda Mateo receive her commission 

Mrs. Lily Gregorio received her Lot Tittle

Representative of Mrs. Cervantes received Lot Tittle

Interment of the Late Robert San Diego

The Bereaved Family of the Late Robert San Diego

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Weekly Best Picture of Holy Angels Memorial Park, August 23, 2014

Blooming Flowers at Garden State

Well Maintain Front Office

Agent Corazon Raymundo received her commission

Representative of Mrs. Delacruz received Lot Tittle 

Mrs. Francisco Received her Lot Tittle

The Bereaved Family of the Late Ernesto Bandino

Lot Tittle

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Weekly Best Picture of Holy Angels Memorial Park August 16, 2014

Mrs. Flor Villegas Received her commision 

Blooming Flowers at HAMP

Mr. Victorio received his lot Tittle

Mrs. Mata Received her lot Tittle 

Interment motif at HAMP

Interment of the late Ernesto Bandino

Well Clean HAMP Table

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Weekly Best Picture of Holy Angels Memorial Park, August 9, 2014

Blooming Flowers at Holy Angels

Ms. Esperanza Reyes received her lot title

Mr. Lorenzo Martinez received his lot title

Beautiful flowers for their departed love one

HAMP Interment Motif

Agent Corazon Ingal received her commission check

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Weekly Best Pictures Of Holy Angels Memorial Park, August 2, 2014

Mr. John Michael Ceñidoza reserve three lot at Lawn 5

Mrs. Mecca San Juan pay her monthly amortization

The bereaved Family of Rolan De Jesus

Blooming Flowers at HAMP

Well maintained front of HAMP Office

Mr. Ador Francisco received his commission check

Clean table at HAMP Office